No Theme and Plugin Editor? Here’s What You Need to Do | WordPress Fixes

No Theme and Plugin Editor in your WordPress dashboard?

Don’t worry and read on…

WordPress admin dashboard allows webmasters to edit theme and plugin files manually. You can find these editors in Appearance -> Editor for Theme files and Plugins -> Editor for Plugin files. These editors come in handy when you need to make some quick edits to your website design or functionality. For instance, adding Google Analytics’s verification code to header.php file.

Instead of going all the way from cPanel’s FTP or FileZilla’s FTP client to navigate through the files, users can easily use these WordPress in-built feature to achieve these task.

These features are already enabled if you have installed WordPress by downloading a fresh copy from However, we noticed that these options are disabled with some 1-click WordPress installs.

Enable Theme & Plugin Editor

To enable theme and plugin editor you will need to access your File Manager. If you have cPanel then you can just go via cPanel’s file manager. If your webhost doesn’t have a file manager you can use Filezilla client.

Go to you root directory and open the file wp.config.php and find this piece of code:

define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);

Just comment this line or simply delete it.

This will enable your theme & plugin editor and you will be able to edit your files directly from your dashboard.

If it fixes your issue then please consider following our social media networks.

  1. Reply
    ANAND April 24, 2018 at 3:45 PM

    Is there any plugin to optimize theme automatically ?

    • Reply
      Dylan Kelly June 23, 2018 at 5:28 PM

      There are many plugins which optimize the website automatically. The plugins optimize the way theme output your website content. No plugin will change your theme files to replace poorly written code. Also, it will be a great security risk if any plugin is allowed to change theme files.
      If you’re looking for a plugin which does all the work with just activating, then I recommend you look into WP Rocket

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