BT broadband price HIKE: Company set to raise fees AGAIN – here’s how it will affect you

The company declared September 16 will mark a new price increase following a prior rise only six months ago.

BT’s website issued the news to Britons and insisted it would write to customers between June and August to let them know of price changes.

It said: “We’re changing some of our landline, broadband, TV and Sport prices on 16 September 2018.

“We’ll be writing to you between June and August to let you know about the price changes, with a clear breakdown of how each of your products will be affected.”

BT also detailed the reason for the latest price hike.

It said “improvements to products and services” was the reason behind the latest fee increase.

Any BT customers that have not already been notified by the company about a price rise should hear from the company by August.

In the past BT have insisted customers to contact the company within 30 days of receiving any price notifications if they intend to leave.

If customers do not respond within this time frame they could be liable to pay a penalty charge.

But BT customers who recently signed up with the company as part of a cheap introductory offer are unlikely to be burdened by a price rise.

However, other leading broadband providers are offering deals in what could potentially lure BT customers affected by a price increase.

Vodafone are currently offering its fibre broadband for £21 a month with 6 months three F-Secure SAFE anti-virus software.

The company’s tariff offers a 35mbps average speed.

Talk Talk also prides itself on offering no price rises during a contract.

On its website the company insists the guarantee applies to every single one of its broadband packages.

It says: “We’re the only major provider to guarantee no mid-contract broadband price rises on all our broadband plans.”

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